Here’s a little Smashing Pumpkins story for you. It’s not enough that we’re celebrating the 20th anniversary of these two albums when their releases really only seem like they happened yesterday. But I was trying to explain to a co-worker who the Smashing Pumpkins were. I named songs…which didn’t help. I even tried to hum a few of the bars but I’m a terrible singer and probably did more harm than good. I tried to explain how popular they were in the 90s…from the epic double album to their electronic experimentation to the being first band to really use the internet to give an album away for free. I finished giving the person one last point…they even headlined Lollapolooza. The co-worker looked at me with a blank stare and said…”What’s Lollapolooza?” When do I sign up for social security?
Here are the 11 Best Smashing Pumpkins:
1. Drown (Singles Soundtrack)