With the work grind and the constant magnetism of March Madness, I didn’t want the week to slip by without commenting on the most impressive music news of the week. No, I’m not talking about the Beastie Boys announcing a release date for their long-awaited new album (it’s May 3rd). I’m talking about Rebecca Black. An artist that truly exemplifies our current mass media culture. In less than a week, she went from being an overnight pop sensation…to being a yesterday’s pop has-been. She sold over 2 million downloads of her song in one week. She’s had over 27 million people view her video on Youtube…again, in one week. If you have no idea who I’m talking about…check it out here.
Now, people are attacking her for having the worst song of all time. Even, I’m writing about her. This is what’s scary about Rebecca Black…and it’s not even her. It’s her road to popularity. Her parents bought it. Her parents paid the producers to write her a song and make a video for her. Her parents bought her celebrity status. Apparently for only $2000. It doesn’t bother so much that Rebecca Black bought her way into the pop world. Isn’t that how it’s done normally? Don’t record labels pay off radio stations to play to their music? Isn’t this just a more direct method of “Payola?” What worries me, is if you can buy super stardom for $2000…then what can’t you buy? Whether you like it or not, Rebecca Black is now a permanent part of our media subculture. Her song will be timeless…just for being timely.
Rebecca Black with the worst song of all time…has more youtube video watches than all of Rise Against’s videos…combined. And Rise Against isn’t some indie rock band pushing their own music onto college radio music directors. They’re a main-stream, Platinum-selling artist with the backing of a major label. Bands who busted their asses for years on the road, were the ones with the best chances of breaking through…now, they’re the last in line to the ones who didn’t even show up to practice.
Here are the 11 Best Songs By Rise Against:
1. Injection (The Suffering Of The Witness)
2. Like An Angel (Revolutions Per Minute)
3. Prayer For the Refugee (The Suffering Of The Witness)
4. My Life Inside Your Heart (The Unraveling)
5. But Tonight We Dance (This Is Noise EP)
6. Savior (Appeal To Reason)
7. Re-Education Thought Labor (Appeal To Reason)
8. Give It Away (Siren Song Of the Counter Culture)
9. Ready To Fall (The Suffering Of The Witness)
10. Life Less Frightening (Siren Song Of the Counter Culture)
11. Anyway You Want It (Revolutions Per Minute)
Buy Rise Against’ new album, Endgame now.