One of the main things I love about music is how it becomes the soundtrack to our lives. Certain songs can instantly bring me back to memories from twenty years ago. My own brain can’t even bring me back to memories from last week let alone two decades back. Explosions in the Sky have the pleasure of the being the soundtrack to other people’s lives. Fake people at that. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to remember the lives of Coach Taylor and his football team equivalent of the Bad New Bears without hearing the warbling guitar of the Explosions crew setting the backdrop. In fact, it was the film version of Friday Night Lights that turned me onto the band. My strongest memory from the movie is sitting there in the theater, being so wowed by the chaotic rock score, that I barely remember the actual film. When a score is more memorable than the plot of a movie…that is some good music. Or it’s a really bad movie.
Here is Explosions in the Sky – Live at the Grey Eagle 2007:
3. The Only Moment We Were Alone
4. Great Death
8. Memorial
Buy Explosions in the Sky’s new album, Take Care, Take Care, Take Care…now!!!